Tag Archives: change


Haven’t had much time for blogging in the last few weeks and am still toying with WordPress.  I wrote this the other evening, but haven’t gotten it published until now.

Since we announced to the congregation at Ridge in early February that we’d be leaving and moving back to KS this summer we have been in a state of transition.  Staging a house for sale, putting our house on the market, learning of my appointment at COR, learning that we were pregnant, shopping for houses in KC, selling our place in IN, buying a place in KC, packing, moving, and now unpacking.  

I find myself longing to get settled and to establish some sort of routine before the baby comes in early November.  And while I know that change is the only real constant in life, this time of extreme transition has allowed me incredible opportunities to strengthen my prayer life and my connection with God.

I am grateful for these opportunities and for the very real presence of God I have felt at work in my life.

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