NCLI Recap

I had a great time at NCLI last week and felt blessed by time with great presenters and wonderful friends and colleagues.  NCLI runs as a two week program and while most people start in the spring and conclude in the fall you are welcome to start either time.  I began last October and had a good experience, but in hindsight I would recommend that people begin with the spring session.  There was some content that helped provide important groundwork to the conversation.  While I got a great deal out of the October session, I think I would have received even more had I been through the spring session first.

That said, I’m not in the midst of some paperwork and final processing for the Kansas East Conference.  Each person that Kansas East sends to NCLI goes through an assesment process and interview within the conference to determine if that person might be a good potential church planter.  I’ll hopefully finish up paperwork and inventories by the end of the day today and should know more about an interview in the coming weeks.

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